90 Day Hustle
Day 10 – 90 Day Hustle
Get Connected. Sharing Facebook stories is a great way to co[...]
Day 9 – 90 Day Hustle
Get Plugged In We believe that communication is key when it [...]
Day 8 – 90 Day Hustle
Time for a Breather. You worked hard this week! Rest & r[...]
Day 7 – 90 Day Hustle
Introduce Yourself. Introducing yourself on your personal so[...]
Day 6 – 90 Day Hustle
Let’s get down to business. Do you have your list of prospec[...]
Day 5 – 90 Day Hustle
Check Your Social Savvy Comment on posts of 10 non-Amare mem[...]
Day 4 – 90 Day Hustle
Clean up time! Today’s task at hand: cleaning up your Facebo[...]
Day 3 – 90 Day Hustle
Cast Your Vision. Vision board… Can you visualize your goal [...]
Day 2 – 90 Day Hustle
Start Each Day with Positivity. Daily Affirmations. . .they [...]
Day 1 – 90 Day Hustle
It’s GO Time! Let’s kick this off right! Over the next[...]