Whether you’ve joined through Dr. Lindsey Elmore’s enrollment or another’s, we are thrilled to have you join our community as a wellness partner. Your presence signifies your belief in our mission, vision, and core values—a belief that these products can genuinely make a positive impact on your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Seize the First 72 Hours: Ignite Your Enthusiasm

Although your products may not have arrived yet, your decision to become a part of our mental wellness movement speaks volumes. The initial 72 hours after joining are when your excitement is at its peak. 

Action Step

Now, I have a challenge for you: take a moment and compile a list of 10 individuals who resonate with our mission, vision, and core values. These are people you believe would benefit from trying our products.

Empower Your Network: Share Your Enthusiasm

In network marketing, it’s common for individuals to delay their involvement. They sign up, but then they become caught up in various preparations—reading, researching, and planning. What sets Amare apart is the ability to harness the energy of your initial excitement. 

This enthusiasm isn’t just for you; it’s for your newly enrolled partner as well. They, too, understand our principles and hold the same hope for transformative change.

Activate Your Potential: Propel Your Team Forward

As you embark on your Amare journey, remember the potential within the first 72 hours. This period is pivotal in setting the tone for your partnership. 

Action Step

Don’t let this window of opportunity close without taking action. Use your list of potential partners who share our values and extend an invitation to experience Amare’s products.

Turn Your Order into an Enrollment: Spark the Movement

Let’s amplify this excitement by transforming your first order into an enrollment. Encourage those you’ve enrolled to follow your lead. 

Action Step

Remind them that they’re not alone in their journey; they have a supportive friend to share it with. And remember, our return policy ensures that they can explore our products without any risk.

Maximize Momentum: Share the Journey

Your initial enthusiasm is a catalyst for change. Capitalize on it to initiate a powerful ripple effect. Encourage others to enroll and start their journey alongside you. This not only strengthens your network but enhances the collective wellness movement we stand for.

Join us in embracing mental wellness and encouraging those around you to do the same. Your dedication and enthusiasm are the driving forces that will create a profound shift in well-being for individuals, families, and communities alike. 

Welcome to Amare, where transformation begins with every choice and every connection.

Haven’t joined yet? Be part of our team and experience true wellness.