Kids FundaMentals provides nutrients that improve mental wellness in an easy-to-digest formula just for kids. This product balances kids’ microbiome to improve cognitive function and mood and help with stress regulation.

It’s just like adult MentaBiotics in an appropriate dosage and easy-to-digest formulation, but with an added beta-glucan blend. It also help to increase short-term and long-term memory by increasing visual and verbal recall by up to 28%. It works to improve mood and reduce tension, as seen in human clinical trials. It will help to improve psychological vigor, or physical energy, mental acuity, emotional intelligence and emotional wellbeing.


Kids FundaMentals contains probiotics, prebiotics, and the GBX proprietary blend to support cognition and mood. The key ingredients in Kids’ FundaMentals help to support the gut-brain access of growing kids and teenagers.

These are scientifically-validated nutrients that improve mental wellness in an easy-to-digest formula.

MW3 Prebiotic Proprietary Blend 4700mg

  • IsoFiber™ Iso-Malto-Oligosaccharides – naturally occurring prebiotic that helps to feed probiotics
  • BiMuno GOS Galacto-Oligo-Saccharides – resets and increases the number of friendly bacteria in the gut and can help to control inflammation and support the balance of the microbiome
  • Sunfiber Galactomannan Fiber – feeds bifidobacteria and lactobacilli species to improve growth and vitality of beneficial bacteria

MW3 Prebiotic Proprietary Blend 1.58 CFU

  • Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 – helps to improve mood by decreasing the inflammation in our nervous system as well as increasing serotonin
  • Bifidobacterium longum R0175 – helps to increase calmness, decrease our anxiety indices, and improve our cognitive function
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011 – helps to reduce stress by lowering cortisol exposure and improving the atory GABA neuro transmission

Phytobiotic Proprietary Blend 37.5mg

  • Suntheanine L-Theanine to decrease stress and improve quality of sleep & relaxation
  • Amare GBX+ Proprietary Blend
  • Asian apple fruit to support a healthy gut
  • French grape seed extract to support the body’s inflammatory response
  • New Zealand pine bark to support mental function, energy, and concentration
  • Artichoke leaf extract to reduce swelling, gastric fullness, and stomach upset and support healthy digestion and gastric motility
  • Ginger root to support healthy digestive functioning

Gut-Axis Support Proprietary Blend 205mg

  • Wellmune Yeast 1.3/1.6 Beta-Glucan (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) – derived from cell walls of highly purified bakers yeast, also known as Sacra Mices Sier to activate immune cells; clinically proven to help enhance the function of the immune system, leading to greater psychological vigor and greater overall wellbeing
  • L-Glutamine – an amino acid building block of protein; the most abundant amino acid in the bloodstream; especially helpful for maintaining tight junctions, helping to fight leaky gut and promote digestive and brain health
  • ProDigest [(Artichoke Leaf Extract (Cynara scolymus) and Ginger Root Extract (Zingiber officinale)]


Kids’ FundaMentals is typically the first product that most parents choose to introduce to their children because they know that it is a total body support for the gut, the brain, and the immune system.

The difference between the Kids’ version and the adult version is the dosage.

You want to start improving your kid’s microbiome straight away because your microbiome is not fully set, but it is harder to shift your microbiome after the age of three than before the age of three than before.

Kids’ bodies are malleable. Some parents give Kids’ FundaMentals as young as six months old.

It’s up to you as it is labeled for children of all ages.

If you are giving it to a very young infant, perhaps you only start with a quarter of a scoop or a half a scoop instead of doing the entire scoop. If your children don’t like the flavor, you can mix it with fruit juice, put it in a smoothie, yogurt, or other foods or liquids as long as they are not hot.

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How to Order

Purchase Kids FundaMentals at